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Custom animation loops

botaniq animations can be looped at 120 frames by default. If you want to change the number of frames the animations loop at, here is how to do so.

Easier method - Non-linear animation

Speed of animation might change

This approach might change the speed of the animation. If you want to preserve the speed of animation we recommend using the Graph Editor approach.

Locate the actual mesh and parented empties that affect the animation in the Outliner.


Then in Non-linear Animation editor use the Push Down Action button to convert the animation into a NLA strip that can be prolonged or shortened as you wish. Do that for all selected objects.

Edit NLA strip

After converting animation into a NLA strip you can still edit the keyframes in Graph Editor by pressing Tab. edit NLA strip

After selecting any of them you will be able to define it's result length.

Frame Start, and Frame End let you define what frames from the original animation will be used. Repeat simply specifies how many times the NLA strip repeats.

To loop the animation use a combination of Playback Scale and Repeat that aligns with the desired outcome.


The end result

If you followed all of the steps, you should have a result similar to this. In this case, the animation will loop at 100 frames.

NLA strip

Harder method - Graph Editor

This process can take a long time and is plain manual work.

In the Graph Editor edit all of the modifier values in the N-Panel, so that they are beginning and ending at roughly the same vertical value. You can define any number of frames you want the animation loop at in the Output properties.

graph editor

The end result

After editing all of the values, the result should like similar to this. All the curves should start and end at the same value as highlighted in the picture below.

graph editor

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