Thank you for choosing traffiq
! Our entire team hopes you will have a great
experience using this asset pack. We are looking forward to seeing the results of your creativity, so
don't forget to tag #polygoniq
on social media.
Getting Help
Feel free to reach us and our community via our Discord server. We also offer support using the BlenderMarket inbox or via email but Discord is the preferred and fastest way to receive support.
Check out the Support page for more details.
To start using the traffiq
asset pack, you will need to install it into the engon
You can get engon
for free from our Blender Market,
Gumroad or GitHub. If you have Blender 4.2 or higher, you can install engon
as an extension from our extensions repository.
Here you can find shortcuts to engon
documentation related to traffiq
Feature Highlights¶
High Baseline Quality¶
One of the main advantages is the consistent quality of assets. They are interchangeable, their materials are consistent and they can be freely mixed in one scene without anything looking out of place.
Stable, LTS Blender versions supported¶
We know you want to use polygoniq products for production work and need stable Blender versions to
do that. We strive to support the latest and greatest as well as older Long Term Support
of Blender.
Free Updates¶
You get free additional assets and new features each time we update traffiq