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Gumotex Ontario 450S 2020

Gumotex Ontario 450S 2020


variant full


Parameter Value
Image Count 8
Material Count 5
Object Count 2
Triangle Count 96379
Triangle Count Applied 96379
Parameter Value
Depth 4.119333744049072 m
Height 0.5780050754547119 m
Width 1.473892092704773 m
Parameter Value
Model Year 2020
Price Usd 1500.0 $
Brand Gumotex
Country Of Origin Czechia
Model Ontario-450S
Parameter Value
Bpy.Data.Version 3.3.6
Copyright © 2018- polygoniq xyz s.r.o.
License Editorial
Mapr Asset Id 2522a844-203f-4461-ab9b-ac5c67d16c10
Model Detail High-poly
Polygoniq Addon traffiq
Introduced In [1, 4, 0]