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Volvo FM9 Tow Truck 2020

Volvo FM9 Tow Truck 2020


variant full


Parameter Value
Image Count 14
Material Count 25
Object Count 16
Triangle Count 385603
Triangle Count Applied 511009
Parameter Value
Depth 16.02983856201172 m
Height 5.342182159423828 m
Width 3.248847007751465 m
Parameter Value
Model Year 2020
Price Usd 10500.0 $
Brand Volvo
Country Of Origin Sweden
Model FM9
Parameter Value
Bpy.Data.Version 3.3.6
Copyright © 2018- polygoniq xyz s.r.o.
License Editorial
Mapr Asset Id 29284011-2371-4056-afbc-2316450997d4
Model Detail High-poly
Polygoniq Addon traffiq
Introduced In [2, 1, 0]