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Douglas DC3 1935

Douglas DC3 1935


variant full


Parameter Value
Image Count 13
Material Count 15
Object Count 6
Triangle Count 366953
Triangle Count Applied 386737
Parameter Value
Depth 20.02861976623535 m
Height 5.437346935272217 m
Width 29.272737503051758 m
Parameter Value
Model Year 1935
Brand Douglas
Country Of Origin USA
Model DC-3
Parameter Value
Bpy.Data.Version 3.3.6
Copyright © 2018- polygoniq xyz s.r.o.
License Editorial
Mapr Asset Id f9bc9345-344e-4695-a006-444d7dbfc239
Model Detail High-poly
Polygoniq Addon traffiq
Introduced In [1, 4, 0]