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Wear Sliders

With this feature you can convert asset into a dirty one, battered one, or both.

After converting to editable, three new sliders appear in the Wear Sliders panel. Those are Dirt, Scratches and Bumps. Each slider can be set independently. You can adjust the strength of the effect on your asset by setting the slider value between 0 and 1 and pressing the Set button next to the slider.

Convert to editable to enable Wear Sliders

In order to use Wear Sliders make sure your vehicle of choice is converted to editable and selected.


Some assets do not support all Wear Sliders

Most traffiq assets have support for Dirt, Scratches and Bumps sliders. However there are few assets that do not have this functionality, usually they are assets where it would not make sense. E.g. hot-air balloon supports only Dirt. wear_sliders_dirt_support_only


Adds dirt to the asset based on tquv_dirt UV map.


Adds scratches to the asset based on tquv_scratches UV map.


Adds scratches to the asset based on tquv_bumps UV map.


After setting Bumps slider to a value different than 0, a displace modifier appears in your Modifier properties tab. You can further adjust the severity of the damage here. wear_sliders_bumps_add_modifier

Modify Multiple Assets

You can also select multiple assets and control them together.

If you select multiple assets the Wear Sliders panel will display intensity values for each asset. You can set the intensity for all selected assets at the same time using the Set button wear_sliders_multiple_assets

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