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Color Settings

Most traffiq assets support random and user defined color. This parameter can be set during the spawn, or later.


Switch between User Color and Random Color


User Color

You can set each asset to the color of your choice. color_settings_set_in_spawn


Pure white color (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) is reserved as a switch to random color, if you want to have a white asset, set the color to (0.99, 0.99, 0.99).

Random Color

If random color is enabled, each new object gets randomly assigned different color. The probability of color is decided based on the Color Ramp inside the materials.



Notice that as in real life the most common colors are different shades of grey.


Edit multiple assets

If you want to quickly change the color of selected objects you achieve that by clicking the Change Color of All button and then specify whether you want to use the random color option or choose the color manually. You also have the option to change the color of individual selected objects in the Selected cars list below. By clicking on the color palette button you can choose the color in a random or manual method.


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