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Lamp Standing 2shade upwards Calla

Lamp Standing 2shade upwards Calla


Indoor Lights variant full variant lite


Parameter Value
Image Count 9
Material Count 8
Object Count 4
Triangle Count 10820
Triangle Count Applied 26300
Parameter Value
Depth 0.30598822236061096 m
Height 1.3636980056762695 m
Width 0.5874959826469421 m
Parameter Value
Model Year 1958
Price Usd 100.0 $
Brand Lidokov
Country Of Origin Czechoslovakia
Parameter Value
Bpy.Data.Version 3.6.13
Copyright © 2018- polygoniq xyz s.r.o.
Furniture Style Mid-Century
License Royalty Free
Mapr Asset Id 9b1f0faa-4ee9-4732-928f-2c0d1bd5cc33
Polygoniq Addon interniq
Introduced In [1, 0, 0]