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Advanced User Interface

materialiq has two user interface options: Simple and Advanced.

Advanced user interface is disabled by default

The Advanced interface is not turned on by default because it may be overwhelming for some users, especially those who are new to materialiq. Additionally, the Advanced interface includes more complex options and settings, which may not be necessary for all use cases.

How to use it

  1. In the 3D Viewport N-panel, locate the materialiq panel
  2. In the top right corner of the materialiq panel, you will see a switch button
  3. Click on this button to turn on the Advanced user interface


Simple UI

  • Designed for ease of use, with an intuitive layout and straightforward controls. It is suitable for most tasks and for new users.

Advanced UI

  • Offers additional options and features, providing more control and customization to experienced users. It may take some time to learn and orient in this interface, but it is powerful and capable of handling more complex tasks.

Overall, both the Simple and Advanced user interfaces are effective tools for working with materialiq. The choice of which to use will depend on the user's level of experience and the specific needs of their project.

Advanced UI Simple UI
Advanced UI preview Simple UI preview