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Painting vertex color maskΒΆ

Switches you to vertex paint mode and enables you to paint vertex colors of the aq_mask mask. It allows you to blend in the effect and remove the sharp edges of the effect.

Subdivide the mesh

Start with subdividing the mesh. The more subdivision you make the more control over the masking you gain.

Missing vertex color map

If the aq_mask is missing on the object, it will be invisible. The same applies if the values of the vertex color are all set to 0.

  • Mask Factor enables you to quickly select the desired brush value.
  • Boundaries applies the currently selected value to the boundary loop of the mesh.
  • Fill applies the currently selected value to the whole assets.
  • Strength changes the strength of the brush.
  • Radius changes the radius of the brush.
  • Vertex activates the vertex selection masking for painting.
  • Face activates the face selection masking for painting.
  • Return button. When clicked you will be returned to Object Mode.