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Panel Overview

The materialiq panel is located on the right side of the 3D viewport window. Press the N key on your keyboard and select the polygoniq tab to access it.

Can't see the panel

If you do not see the panel or do not see any panels at all, check that engon addon is enabled in Preferences --> Addons and the asset pack is shown under the Asset Packs section. Make sure you are in Object Mode; usually, you can press Tab to switch between modes.

Spawning assets through engon

All assets, effects, materials and scenes are spawned through the engon addon. If you have multiple polygoniq add-ons enabled, they will all be shown here. Check out Spawning Assets.

Migrate from older version

This operator is located in the engon addon, it is useful for converting your older scenes to the latest asset pack version. This operator looks at all used materials and migrates the ones from older version of the asset pack to their equivalent in the latest version of the asset pack. If you customized any materials, your customizations will be lost after migration! You will have to redo them.

materialiq material panel

If you don't see all the options, turn on advanced user interface.

Assign material to specific faces

Add a new slot, spawn material to this slot, go to Edit mode (e.g. press Tab), select desired faces and assign selected slot to these faces.

Browse and Spawn Worlds

materialiq contains 31 HDRs from Greg Zaal. All of them have 4k resolutions to save memory and shorten time spent loading them for rendering. These HDRs were named according to perceived time of day for convenience. For example, "1300_Azure_Sun" is a HDR taken at 1 PM. HDRs starting with "0000" are generic ones that don't correspond to any time.

To spawn a world into your scene, use the polygoniq asset browser.

Exposure & Contrast of HDR

You might have to set the exposure higher with dark HDRs and lower with bright HDRs. Also sunny HDRs might work better with lower contrasts and overcast HDRs with higher contrasts.

hdr with low exposure hdr with normal exposure

Rotation of HDR

Sometimes sun does not really hit the geometry well and the render comes out rather dark. This might be the intention but it is good to know that HDRs can be easily rotated.

In this case we can make sun to shine inside the room by rotating HDR along the Z axis.

hdr rotation viewport

Post-production background

Since the HDRs are 4k it might be good to swap them in post-production to prevent blurry appearance. 4096 pixels wide HDRs give you only 11 pixels per degree.

To make this easier, you can set the film to be transparent and save renders in RGBA png or other formats supporting transparency.


All general tools are located in this section.


Replace Material

Replaces occurrences of one material with another. Can be used on all objects in the scene or only on selected objects.

  • Only Selected - replaces materials only in selected objects
  • Update Selection - selects affected objects and deselects unaffected

Change Texture Resolution

Changes resolution of all materials, or just the active materials.

change texture resolution

Use a smaller resolution when working with larger scenes

Textures in high resolution are performance demanding. That is why recommend using a small default resolution and increasing it in places close to camera or in focus. Read more about Memory and Performance.


All of texture mapping options are in one place. Read more about mapping.

mapping settings

Texture Bombing

Texture bombing works by manipulating UVs. Custom tri-planar projection enables more randomization than Blender's box mapping and makes this possible.

texture bombing settings

Texture Adjustments

Section where you can manipulate textures that are used by the material. You can also change the Color Space, type of Projection, etc. When you make changes, we recommend to Sync Texture Nodes.

texture adjustments settings

Material Adjustments

Want to make the material a little brighter, less reflective or rougher? This section of UI does that and more.

material bombing settings

Randomization Value

Feature that allows to randomize the parameters of the materials. This can be useful for creating a more organic and varied look for your materials.

Note that the Randomization value feature is only available in Cycles rendering engine and only works on islands (groups of polygons that are not connected to any other polygons on the object).

Randomization value is visible only in Advanced user interface.

You can find it in the materialiq panel in the adjustments category.

List of Randomizable Values

  • Diffuse Hue
  • Diffuse Saturation
  • Diffuse Value
  • Specular
  • Roughness
  • Normal


Adjust the displacement settings in materialiq panel UI. Learn more about Displacement.

displacement settings

Material Settings

Customize how the material behaves in Viewport Display and while in Material Preview.

material settings

Fake User Enable / Disable

Enables or disables fake user for the selected material. Fake user prevents unused materials from being deleted by Blender when saving your scene.

fake user

Memory and Performance

Large textures take up a lot of memory, so to help with lowering the memory requirement, you can easily swap the texture resolution of materials to use smaller textures - both in resolution and file size.

4096x4096 textures take 16x more memory than 1024x1024 textures

hardware requirements

materialiq panel allows you to either change resolution of all materials or just the active material. As an example this enables you to keep your scene at 4096 but switch the most prominent couple materials to 8192.


When working with 8K materials, it is a good idea to have only a few materials visible before switching to Render View. It takes ~86 GB of memory to render the entire library! You can select meshes with materials you want to inspect closely, press Shift+H to hide everything else and switch to Render View (Shift+Z) after that. To go back you press Z or Shift+Z to stop the rendered preview and then Alt+H to unhide all. Alternatively you can inspect selected objects quickly by pressing \.

This described probably the most useful sequence of shortcuts in Blender when it comes to working on larger scenes. One additional shortcut useful in this scenario is the Render Border Shift+B to select a small area to render so that the noise cleans faster which in turn allows you to make decisions faster and have the UI more responsive if using GPUs for rendering. You can clear (reset) the render border with Ctrl+Alt+B.