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Road Generator

Our road generator system combines multiple modifiers on a curve to generate road. Road presets are available in the traffiq asset pack. You can spawn road using the Asset Browser or the Build Roads modal operator to create road systems crossroads.

BETA notice

Next steps of the road generator will be developed based on the feedback we get from you. Feel free to submit any feedback and ideas to our Discord server.

Panel Overview

Road Generator Panel

The default panel consist of multiple buttons. The important button is Build Roads that switches the road generator into build roads mode. Then there are utilities and global presets functions.

Utilities and Global Presets

Utilities ease working with the generator and Global Presets are available to change multiple properties at once.

Convert To Mesh

Converts selected road and crossroad objects to a editable mesh. Useful to adjust last details when you are happy with the initial layout.

Procedurally Generated Road Generated Road Converted To Editable

Irreversible Operation

  • After you make changes to the converted mesh it may not be possible to go back to the original one, so use this feature wisely.
  • Converting to mesh converts instanced assets (trees, barrier poles, ...) into editable meshes, which creates a lot of geometry.

Add Road Generator Modifier

Adds a selected road generator modifier onto the active object. The added modifier will be the last in the modifier stack. Check the modifiers section for more information about how to work with road generator modifiers.

Mass Resample

Most of the modifiers allow changing of the Resample Length. This is the length that defines the number of segments from which the final road will be generated. We suggest lower values for precise detail (however sharp corners can be an issue), and higher values for less detail and more straight roads.

Example Resample Value

On first image resample value is set to 1 meter. On second one the value is set to 3 meters. Resample Example 1m Resample Example 3m

Mass resample allows tweaking of the resampling for multiple objects at once. You can select the Target Value and it will be automatically set to Selected Modifiers Types on all or selected road generator objects.

Mass Resample UI

Mass Change Fillet

Similarly to Mass Resample, the Mass Change Fillet changes the Fillet Radius property of the tq_InputCurve modifier to desired value.

Known Limitations

  • Currently the Build Roads supports only straight segments with filleted corners.
  • Crossroads cannot adjust position dynamically, once they are built, they stay on the position where built (rotation and alignment of neighbor roads can change).
  • View while building roads is locked to top-down, to adjust road height use the New Segment Height option.
  • Changes to the road types in the scene .blend where the road is built are not registered and crossroad is generated with the original parameters.
  • The Build Roads system doesn't register it's operations into the Blender UNDO system - operations have to be undone manually - select road object, go to edit mode, delete unwanted points, or in case of a crossroad select the object and delete it.
  • Crossroads generate correctly only if the neighbors road profile is on the same level.