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Puddle Generator

Puddle Generator enables you to add and edit properties of puddles with a single click. You can change the size, scale, animation speed and more.

puddles panel

Can't add puddles to object

The mesh you are adding the puddles on has to have a material assigned to it. Otherwise you can't use Add Puddles, as it is a shader node.

Edit Puddle generator in Shader Editor

The Puddle Generator is a shader node. When you select Add Puddle, a node group is added to the materials of the mesh you selected. This means you can edit the Puddle Generator and make the same changes that are accessible from the aquatiq Panel from the Shader Editor.

Puddles not appearing

Make sure you are in viewport shading mode and that the Puddle Factor and Angle Threshold are set correctly.

Quick overview

Let's take a look at the options that appear after you select Add Puddles in the sub-panel.

puddle panel settings

  • Puddle Factor Modifies the height of the puddle on the material.
  • Puddle Scale modifies the scale of the puddles.
  • Animation Speed changes the speed of the animation on the surface.
  • Noise Strength changes the strength of the noise texture, changing the appearance of the puddle surface.
  • Angle Threshold changes the angle limit (in degrees) from which the puddle is displayed.
Add puddles to materialiq materials

Puddles are compatible with materialiq materials. Simply select a mesh with materialiq material and select Add Puddles from the panel and the effect will apply promptly. Displacement will have an effect on the puddles enabling you to tweak the height of the puddle with Puddle Factor.

Make use of Paint Alpha mask

Do you want to specify where the puddles appear on the mesh? You can do that using Paint Alpha Mask. Read more about Paint Alpha Mask here.

Puddle Factor

Puddle Factor lets you modify the area the water surface occupies on the mesh. If the material has displacement the puddle factor controls the height of the puddle on the material.

Displacement not affecting Puddle Factor

You have to have displacement input plugged directly into Material Output Node, either mq_displacement Node Group or Displacement Node and then select Add Puddles. Otherwise the displacement won't affect the Puddle Factor. If you use materialiq make sure you use Add Displacement feature before Add Puddles.

Puddle Scale

Puddle Scale changes the scale of the individual puddles on the mesh. Default scale is 10, When you lover the scale, the individual puddles will be larger and vice versa.

Animation Speed

Animation Speed changes the speed of the animation of the water surface.

Faster animation speed works well with Rain Generator for more realistic rain

Noise Strength

Noise Strength changes the strength of the noise texture which is used to change the appearance of the water surface.

Noise Strength affects the animations

When the Noise Strength is set to 0, the animations will not move the water surface as the noise texture is disabled.

Angle Threshold

Angle Threshold modifies the maximum angle the puddles are allowed to appear. This slider allows you to have the puddles on higher angle than the default value of 45 degrees.