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Engon addon python code is packed in a ZIP file. This file has to be installed for the addon to work. First download the ZIP file from BlenderMarket or Gumroad.

macOS 10 auto extracting ZIPs

Stop unzipping

Safari might auto extract the ZIP file when downloading. This is undesirable and will prevent the addon from working.

To stop macOS 10 automatically unzipping your files:

  1. Go into Safari Preferences,
  2. Locate page titled General,
  3. Scroll down to the bottom,
  4. Deselect the box with the text 'Open safe files after downloading',
  5. engon will now be downloaded as a .zip file and can be installed on macOS 10.

At this stage you should have an unextracted ZIP file ready on your hard-drive.


Open the specific Blender version you want to use with engon. Each Blender version has its own directory for scripts and addons, this directory is not shared between them. In our example we will use Blender 3.6.0

Open Preferences by navigating to Edit → Preferences:

edit preferences

Click Add-ons and then the Install... button:

addon install button

Navigate to the addon ZIP file you downloaded earlier, select it and click install.


Interrupted installations have to be retried

If you stop the Blender process at this point your engon installation will be corrupted, you will have to remove it and start over.

After the installation finishes, check the engon addon to enable it. The addon preferences should show up and after this point you are ready to use engon.


Restart Blender after installing engon

Restarting Blender cleans its Python module cache and prevents issues with old functions being used by accident.

Save Blender preferences

Before you go enjoy engon, click the "hamburger" menu in the bottom left of Blender preferences and select Save preferences. This will enable engon on startup. If you omit this step and do not have auto-save preferences enabled, engon would still be installed after starting Blender but would not be enabled!

blender save preferences


engon contains automatic updating functionality. Updater is located in the engon preferences under the Updater Settings. You can check for updates by clicking Check now for engon update or tweak the updater settings. By default the updater checks weekly whether there is a new update, you can tweak this interval by changing Interval Between Checks.

engon Updater Panel

engon connects to the internet

To figure out the newest version engon connects to the internet and checks against the public engon repository. If a new update is available it downloads it from there.

Restart Blender to complete update

After successful update, engon will prompt you to restart Blender to complete the update process. This cleans the Python module caches and prevents version compatibility issues.

Auto updating can be turned off

If you don't want to use auto updating functionality, you can always download the newest .zip file from one of the sources and install manually. Don't forget to deselect the Auto-check for Update in engon preferences.