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Panel Overview

The aquatiq is located on the right side of the 3D viewport window. It is the main way to access aquatiq features and assets. To access the side panel press the N key on your keyboard and select the polygoniq tab.

Multiple addons by polygoniq

If you have multiple polygoniq add-ons enabled they will all be shown here.

Can't see the panel

If you do not see the panel or do not see any panels at all, check that aquatiq is enabled in Preferences → Addons and you are in Object Mode. Usually you can press Tab to switch between modes.

Quick Overview

Let's briefly take a look at the various options here. We will go over more details on pages dedicated to some of these features, consider this just a quick overview of what's possible with the aquatiq panel.

aquatiq panel

The panel spawns overlapping dialogs

These features are implemented as Blender operators. In some cases, triggering them will spawn more dialogs.

aquatiq panel dialogs

Spawn Asset

Depending on settings, this either links a new asset into the scene or spawns it as an editable asset. Check out Spawning Assets to learn more.

spawn asset

Spawn material

Spawns a water material in the selected object.

Volume of materials

aquatiq water materials need objects with volume to work correctly. When spawning on a object without a volume you will get a warning.

Paint Alpha Mask

Switches you to vertex paint mode and enables you to paint vertex colors of the aq_mask mask. This feature is explained at length in Painting Mask.

Editable assets

Assets need to be converted into Editable for this feature to be enabled. When converting the assets back to Linked, the custom vertex colors will be deleted.

Convert to Editable & Convert to Linked

  • Covert to Editable - converts any aquatiq asset to editable, this makes it local and allow user changes
  • Convert to Linked - converts any editable aquatiq assets to linked, saves memory, speeds up renders but disallows user changes

Find Missing Files

Runs Find Missing Files on any aquatiq assets in the scene, uses aquatiq installation to find missing files. You can use this to fix paths when sharing blend files across computers where the aquatiq install path does not match.

Remove Duplicate Data

Goes through datablocks, detects aquatiq specific ones and deduplicates them if possible.

remove duplicate data

Open Scene

Opens the aquatiq showcase scene. Great for getting to know the aq_Water_Ocean and aq_Water_Shoreline materials. See the Shaders documentation to learn more about the water shaders from the scene.

Spawn Material

Spawns a water material in the selected object. Check out Spawning Assets to learn more.

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